Caring for you faux fur pom pom is super simple! These little poms can't survive the hot heat of a dryer so they take a little care to keep them looking good! Check out the steps below to help you keep your fur looking fluffy!
Remove your fur pom from your hat - Each pom is on a snap button that unsnaps with a gentle tug.
With a brush (we like to use a wired blow dry brush or a fine tooth comb) to loosen any tangles. Just a couple brushes as you rotate your pom will do!
With a blow dryer, place on low heat with the low air setting and rotate pom as you give it a fluff!
Reattach pom and you are good to go!
Removing stains or goop is easy. With mild dish detergent (we recommend clear/unscented), give your pom a wash to release the stain.
Let your pom air dry (it will look like a drowned rat!). Once your pom is 80% dry repeat the above!
Of course reach out with any issues or questions! And if all goes wrong you can grab replacements right on our Shop! Or check out this quick video!